In this section you will find useful tips on how to make the best of your instrument.

Step by Step:
- Fryer in DROP MODE
- Skim food residues in the fryer
- Wait at least 5 minutes = no more bubbles in the fryer
- Make sure your sensor is clean and without any oil residue
- Your finger should slide smoothly on the sensor
- If you feel some stickiness on the sensor proceed to Deep Cleaning
- Place sensor in the oil between MIN and MAX lines
- Keep a distance of minimum 1cm from metallic parts
- Move sensor in oil
- Wait for the display to hold the reading
- Testo 270: green light
- Multifunction handle: numbers are still
- Below 20%tpm= OK / 20-24%tpm range=Warning / Above 24% tpm Alarm to replace oil
- Switch off the instrument, wait 2 minutes and clean the sensor with running water and dry it with soft paper towel